In 2015 we received a Grant from the Community Foundation of Teton Valley for $2,500. This Grant was used for our Executive Director, Julie Martin, and our Board Chair, Jen Carter, to study and receive our Certification from the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association. This is not a Therapeutic Riding program. Most of our horses are not ridable. This is an Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Equine Assisted Learning program (EAP). Jen has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and a graduate certification in substance abuse counseling. Along with the EAP certification Jen, has completed intensive training in evidence-based therapies to use with anxiety, depression, and trauma-related symptoms. Photo: @Laura Agnew

Horses are Beneficial
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is done at our facility within an outdoor arena, with the use of horses, an Equine Specialist, and a Mental Health Professional. Sessions can be completed in groups or individually, based on the need and the issue that is being addressed. Those who are unresponsive to traditional therapy have found horses to be beneficial when dealing with a multitude of issues. It is important to note that all of our work is done completely from the ground with no riding involved.
Based on the Eagala Model of practice, Eagala set the global standard in equine-assisted psychotherapy and personal development.
This aspect is based on the belief that all clients have the best solutions for themselves when given the opportunity to discover them. Rather than instructing or directing solutions, we allow our clients to experiment, problem-solve, take risks, employ creativity, and find their own solutions that work best for them.
An Equine Specialist, a Mental Health professional, and horses work together with clients in all sessions.
No horseback riding is involved. Instead, effective and deliberate techniques are utilized where the horses are metaphors in specific ground-based experiences.
We maintain high standards of practice and ethics and an ethics committee and protocol for upholding these standards, ensuring best practices and the highest level of care.
Our Model is a team approach that includes a licensed, credentialed Mental Health Professional, and a qualifed Equine Specialist, and horses working together with the client at all times.
When inside the arena, all the work is done on the ground with the horses front and center, deliberately unhindered and never ridden, and allowed to interact with the client as they wish.
This creates the space for the client, with the support of the professional facilitators, to reflect, project, and make deep connections.
This Model is so effective because it embraces the science that humans learn best by doing. The model prescribes a hands-on approach where clients are given the space to project and analyze their situations, make connections, and find their own solutions.
Since the solutions are personally experienced in conjunction with intellectual understanding, they tend to be deeper, more profound, and longer lasting.
E.A.P. sessions involve no horseback riding. In this work, the horses are able to be themselves and not have to act a certain way, just like our clients can do. This is a space to explore, be ourselves, and build relationships on equal footing.
Horses are large and powerful. This creates a natural opportunity for some to overcome fear and develop confidence. Working alongside a horse, in spite of those fears, creates confidence and provides wonderful insight when dealing with other intimidating and challenging situations in life.
Horses are social animals, with defined roles within their herds. They would rather be with their peers. They have distinct personalities, attitudes and moods; an approach that works with one horse won’t necessarily work with another. At times, they seem stubborn and defiant. They like to have fun. In other words, horses are a lot like us socially – when we work on our relationships with them, we in turn are learning how to improve our relationships with others.
Horses respond with unique insight into exactly who we are in the moment. They are profoundly gifted reflectors of our true selves because their very survival depends on reading us right.
Because they can read and respond to the nonverbal messages we are always sending, they begin to act in ways that feel familiar to other relationships or dynamics in our lives. They become our spouse, partner, colleague, children, dreams, fears, addictions, etc. and begin to act out these very dynamics in our lives. This gives us a chance to work through those relationships and issues in a safe and nonjudgmental environment.

The Double J Healing Team

Jennifer Carter
Mental Health Professional
Jen has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and a graduate certification in substance abuse counseling. Along with the EAP certification Jen, has completed intensive training in evidence based therapies to use with anxiety, depression and trauma related symptoms. Jen is a founding member of HAPI Trails, Horse Rescue and has dedicated her life to helping humans as well as horses.
Julie Martin
Equine Specialist
Julie’s background is in advertising, but she has always had a passion for horses. In 2009, she help to establish HAPI Trails, Horse Rescue and has spent every day since working with, and helping those horses become healthy and happy. Julie also ownes the most of horses used in the Equine Therapy program and works with them on a regular bases, helping to keep them strong and happy partners for the team.