877-354-4274 julie@hapitrails.com

A Horse in need

Relinquishment & Assistance


Our goal is to give horses a new home and new life. We understand there are many good reasons for relinquishment and we respect those decisions. Giving your horse this opportunity is an act of love, and you are doing the right thing. We aim to care for your horse and find it the best family possible. If you find yourself needing to relinquish your horse, call us. 

Please use the contact form below to inform us of a horse in need, whether it is your horse or a horse you know that needs help. It is the first step in finding the perfect new home for that horse. Our next step will be asses the situation and, if required, provide a relinquishment form to be completed by the horses’ owner. The Relinquishment Form gives us detailed information and allows us to assess the horse’s needs and potential.


If you think you know of a horse that might need assistance, you may also give us a call. We will do our best to follow-up and make sure the horse is taken care of. We have a good working relationship with both Teton County and Teton Valley Sheriff’s department and if you chose to call them directly, they will often contact us for support. One of our goals for the Teton Valley community is to assist Law Enforcement with assessment, transport and/or owner support of the horses.

There are many ways we can offer assistance, you just need to ask.

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