At the new facility, our goal has been to provide more healing and happiness for our horses and members of our community. By promoting our Equine Assisted Psychotherapy/EAP program, providing more clinics, more volunteer opportunities with our horses, coupled with the outdoors, art and mentorning, we are finding new ways to promote community involvement with horses. The clinics and workshops are unique opportunities that will help HAPI Trails raise funds for our adoption program and awareness for the many abilities of horses.
More Volunteer Fun
Learning & Healing Clinics
Expanded Programs
Fun Fundraisers!

A Dream come true
Signing a long-term lease on our new property was a dream come true. There are so many opportunities and so many more possibilities. But of course, our “Wish List” has grown! And now, at the top of that is adding a north roofing system to cover the runs for three interior stalls. We will begin a capital campaign to help build this aspect of our barn, completing the barn and stall system with our vet stall, and three recovery stalls with outdoor runs. An arena cover will be next on our list, providing HAPI Trails with year-round arena access for training and rehabilitation.
Because of our new facility we have the ability show what horses can do for humans and what humans can do for horses. Each year will provided as many opportunities for learning, growth and healing.• Emergency care of horses:
– Capacity to take up to 25 horses.
– Take horses that were previously beyond our capabilities in terms of rehabilitation and care of more severe cases.
• Public education & outreach programs:
– To help with horse welfare & advocacy as well as community support. HAPI Trails has partnered with our local 4H Leadership Programing, the Teton Valley Mental Health Coalition, Mountain Bike the Teton, Teton Valley Backcountry Horsemen, the Senior Center, GAP! (Girls Actively Participating), Girl Scouts of Idaho, Wyoming & Montana, Eagle Scouts Troop 185, PAWS, Teton County Emergency Response, & Horse Warriors(™).
• Equine workshops & on-site clinics:
– Each year we offer educational equine clinics to individual within our community and around the region. We bring equine specialist from all over the region to “help people with horse problems and horses with people problems.”
– These clinics promote natural horsemanship as well as helping introduce new ways for horse owners to work with their equine partners.
– Some clinics we have hosted: Deeper Equine Understandings, Cowboy Dressage, Ranch Roping and Sorting, Backcountry Horse Packing, Mulemanship, Spring Tune-ups, Natural Horsemanship, Colt Starting, Cowboy Racing, Masterson Method, Conscious Horsemanship and Obstacles, just to name a few.
– Every other Wednesday through the Summer months HAPI Trails opens our facility to the community to join us in riding our trails, working through obstacle courses, riding our cross-country jumping course and working with cattle when we can.
• A large animal shelter should a natural disaster occur: – – HAPI Trails is D.A.R.T. (Disaster Animal Response Team) and Code 3 (Fire disaster specific) certified and has an MOU with Teton County. The HAPI Trails facility can house over 100 animals and provide short term assistance when evacuation is required within our region.
• Equine Advocacy & Neglect:
– HAPI Trails is Code 3 Certified in Common Medical Conditions in Equine Neglect Cases
– HAPI Trails is Code 3 Certified in Equine Investigations Enhance your Case
• A location for Veterinarian or other Equine assistance:
– Community members can meet with our local vet, Circle S Mobile Vet (as well as other Vets, if needed) to utilize our vet stocks and rehab vetting area.
• Expanded the Equine Assisted Therapy (EAP)/coaching:
– In 2015 two members of HAPI Trails became certified int he EAGALA model for Equine Assisted Psychotherapy & Coaching. We provide numerous individuals and groups with assistance and help to address PTSD, teens at high-risk, divorce, stress, growth and learning as well as a variety of other counseling needs.
– The barn is helping us provided sessions year-round and during inclement weather.
• Partnership with Equine Therapeutic & Recreational Riding Associations
– Currently in communication with Jackson Hole Therapeutic Riding Association.
Come for a visit
Appointments are required to meet the horses
By appointment
After 5pm is best for weekdays.
by appointment. Let's set something up!
EIN - 501(c)3
877-354-4274 (HAPI)
308 Teton Saddleback Vistas Drive
Driggs, ID 83422
P.O. Box 1021
Victor, ID 83455